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Stolen Virgin Page 9

  “I understand.” I thought of the pictures I took of the hollow and sent to Trish with mocking texts and felt ashamed. I’d acted like a superior tourist, not thinking how my attitude might show and look mean to the people who lived here.

  “Something in me broke, Sy. I’d been out at the flea market with one city snob after another acting like they screwed me with a corncob. I lost my sense. The man said, ‘You have a corkscrew, don’t you, boy?’ He winked at the woman and repeated it slow like I was stupid. My hand snapped out and got his throat, fast as a flytrap gets a fly. I lifted him up and his feet shuffled in the air. He gurgled. She screamed. Jesse ran out of the outhouse, this was back before Pa got the flush toilet, and he grabbed her. She took one look up at him, and down at him, and went limp. Jesse’s even taller than I am and has a bigger snake, too. She knew as soon as he touched her what she was in for and didn’t struggle.” I shrugged. I wanted to touch Sy, but got the feeling she didn’t want me to right then.

  “That tourist cursed me, called us names. Pa’s face went a bad color. I thought he was going to have another heart attack. Pa suffered because that rude dirt sac felt entitled to violate our land. I got Mr. Trespasser the corkscrew. I let him have it. Made such a mess on the porch, reminded me of slaughtering a pig. We get us a wild one sometimes.” I needed to finish explaining this.

  Soon Jesse would get back. I’d show Sy I was a good provider, and she’d understand I never meant any harm.

  “We was hard on the girl, me and Pa and my brothers who still lived here back then, and Uncle. We meant to let her go, I swear it, but Clay had her in wheelbarrow position going wild on her and broke her. It was a shock. I guess her neck snapped. It was fast. I don’t think she suffered, at least not in the dying part.” I left a few things out, the corkscrew part and all the howling with one after another of us taking our rides. Sy looked uncomfortable. I didn’t want her to feel bad. A woman carrying a baby shouldn’t have unnecessary upsets, that’s how I felt about it.

  “That’s all so horrible.”

  “I am on my honor sorry about what we did. As Jesus is my witness, I wish none of it happened.” The sadness on her face burned my heart. I’d do anything to make sure she never felt so sad again on a cause of anything I done. “Sy, I mean it. I am so sorry. I will never harm anyone. If some trespasser dances a jig on our porch I will march him out of here and that’s all. I swear it to you.” I didn’t add that if anyone laid a hand on her I’d rip his head off or blow it off with my shotgun. If I had to do that, I’d explain the best I could. I’d hand her my whole heart again the way I was doing and meant to do for the rest of my life.

  “It was a bad, bad, thing Callum.”

  “I know that, Sy.” I sighed. I couldn’t do much more explaining. “Let me love you. That’s all I want in life any more. Let me love you.” I slid my arms around her waist. Our baby was in there, tiny heart beating while we talked things out the way married people did. I still felt sad Pa was gone, but Sy brought this place back to life. She brought me back to life. For that, I’d always love her. It wouldn’t matter if she wasn’t beautiful for always. She’d be forever queen of my heart.

  “Sy, you make me ache I love you so much.”

  I lifted her off her feet.

  She squealed.

  I raised her face right to the level of my lips and kissed her with all my heart.

  “You’re mine, Sy.”

  She was mine for always, no matter if the horsemen of the apocalypse galloped down from her dad’s mansion. I’d have her and hold her, the way the preacher would have me vow.

  “Yes, Callum.”

  “Mine.”I’d keep proving it on her until she knew it with every cell of her sweet body and smart mind.

  I kissed her deep, tonguing her mouth, doing her slow and passionate like a romance hero.

  I leaned back and stole a peek. Her eyes rolled back, her long dark hair tangled over her sexy face. I had to love her, love her hard. She was my woman now. She might not like all of who I was and what I done, but this was her place now. I’d keep her in it. In time, she’d become one of us, a good Blake wife. Our life would become natural to her. She wouldn’t need to question or fear so many things every day. Those were city ways. Here we could let go, let things be, the way the river and the bees did. I was like a bee. You leave me alone, and all is well. You get aggressive on me, don’t expect me to mind my manners.

  It was wrong though, what we did. I knew that by how much it hurt Sy.

  “I don’t ever want to hurt you again, Sy, my sweet bride. Except in ways you like,” I whispered into her ear.

  She shivered, and I carried her to bed.

  “You brute,” she squeezed me.

  I could tell by her voice she knew what was coming and wanted it as much as I did.

  “You make me want to be a better man. You know that, Sy? You make me want to be better my whole life. It’s because I don’t want to cause you a moment’s worry. I want to make you happier than you could of been if you stayed up on the hill. I want the day I took you to be the best thing that happened to you, until every other time I make you mine. You’re mine forever now, Sy. I’m never going to let you go.”

  “I’m so glad, Callum. I’m glad I’m here with you. I love you. I’m staying right here with you. Yes, forever.”

  “I love you, too, Sy. I love you fierce like a bear.”

  I crushed her in my arms. She swooned like one of those ladies on the covers of the dirty books she likes.

  I slapped her on the pussy and ripped her clothes off.

  “You’re going to be good and obey me, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, yes, Master.”

  “Good to hear a billionaire’s daughter learning some respect.” I grinned at her.

  I pulled her over my knee and spanked her.

  She took to it good, grabbing my leg and moaning, pushing her ass up so pretty. I spanked her scarlet, making her sweet ass shake while she yelled.

  With a quick grab, I got her on the bed on her knees. She gasped. She loved me strong-arming her. It made her so wet. I teased her pretty pussy with my fingertips. Yes, she felt slippery. Beautiful view with her ass so bright red and hot.

  I slipped my hands along her sides, her belly, her breasts. I caressed them slow, making her moan low. I bit her hot moons. Lifting her hair, I kissed along her neck. Using my softest touch, I squeezed her breasts. She filled my hands, arching into my touch. Enjoying her, I rolled her nipples in a good rhythm that made her shudder and buck. Oh yes, she was ready.

  “Here you go, Sy.”

  “Yes, yes, please Callum.”

  I jammed into her hard the way she needed it. Reading all those dirty books of hers paid off. She moaned loud and arched her hot ass back at me. I fucked her doggy style pulling her hair.

  “Take it, beautiful. Take me deep and hard.”

  I pumped so deep she howled.

  “Callum, oh, damn you’re good.”

  “Here, Sy. Let’s have twins.” I held her hips against me and gave her all my swimmers, shooting right into my bride’s womb.

  “Oh, oh yes, Callum!” She shook like crazy, taking it all for me.

  “I love you so much, Sy.” I slid out of her tight pussy real slow, eased her down on the bed, and pulled her into my arms.

  She nuzzled into my arms and licked one of the roses over my heart.

  “The day you picked me up with your big truck was the best thing that’s happened to me, Callum Blake. You can call me Sylvia when you want.”

  “Sylvia Blake. Mrs. Blake.” I rubbed my thumb on her sweet chin.

  She giggled. “I like it, Mr. Blake.”

  “I heard from Jesse with some good news. Pa had some savings bonds he tracked down. I won’t be a billionaire, but we’ll have some money to make our start. Jesse’s been making good money welding yard art. He’s going to teach me. I know you’re used to finer thing in life. I’m going to work hard to provide for you and our children. He found
me—found online courses for me, so I can learn to sound better educated.”

  “You make me so happy. I’m not sure how I can stand it.” She smiled real big and kissed my neck.

  “How do you know so much about me? It’s sort of eerie, how you’re my perfect man.” She ran her finger down my chest.

  “I pay attention, my beauty.” I wouldn’t lie to her, but she didn’t need to know how hard I studied on her Facebutt page and all those dirty books she likes. I put my hand over her tickling finger. Pa taught me that. You don’t lie, but you don’t hurt her feelings if you can help it. I missed him still, but it wasn’t bad now that I had my bride. He’d be happy for me.

  “Callum, now that we’re about to marry, may I have a phone, please? I want to tell my friend Trish about us and invite her to the wedding. She can help keep my mom and dad from hassling us in the meantime.”

  “That’s a good idea. I’ll trust you with a phone, beautiful, same as I trust you with my heart.”

  She rose up and kissed me, all her softness pressed against me. I stopped thinking. All I knew was she made me happier than I thought I could be in this life.

  The End

  White Trash would have been one novelette if readers hadn’t asked for more. I appreciate your comments. Thank you.


  Preview: Ranch Dad Next Door

  The rancher next door is smoldering hot. Sloane and her best friend can’t stop checking him out. But he used to be married to the one person Sloane should never compete with for a man.

  And there’s another guy in his household who wants her bad.

  My feelings about Mr. Callahan confuse and excite me.

  He’s a buff billionaire, divorced, but off-limits. I’m 19, still holding my V-card.

  Maybe if I wasn’t so mad at Jenny, and he wasn’t so muscular and appreciative, I could stop thinking about him.

  From the first time we touch, I start to burn.

  This is a standalone New Adult novella. There’s no cliffhanger and no cheating.

  Dear Reader,

  I enjoy previews in books. If you don’t like to read part of a story, skip it. :) It begins from the first sentence of the book, so there are no spoilers.


  If I’d grown up with a father, I might not have thought of Mr. Callahan in dirty ways. But I didn’t, and I did.

  It was messed up, I knew that. But there were extenuating circumstances. After all, I didn’t meet him until last year at my high school graduation.

  Turned out he was the absentee-father type, too. First time I’d ever seen him on campus. He showed up for his son, a sullen guy named Cory who had hair falling over his face, a tarantula tattoo on his neck, and feral eyes.

  Mom started spending weekends with Mr. Callahan, and they ran off to Nevada and got married. Maybe one of those drive-through places. I didn’t ask. When your mom elopes, well, the less said, the better. That’s one of her phrases, and it fit.

  I think it was an age thing. Time of life and all that. I heard her and her girlfriends moaning about the lack of eligible men. They’d all been through two or three husbands, so I couldn’t see the attraction in collecting the next one. Maybe slightly less creepy than the lady down the block who collects baby dolls, but not by much.

  But there it was, they were married. It lasted maybe six months.

  Likely there are drive-through divorce things now, too. I didn’t care.

  Where things got interesting was when she decided to take off to a spa for a month and suggested I stay with Linda. I’m 19, I don’t need anyone to baby sit me. But I got along with Linda alright, and they had horses and a swimming pool.

  Sure, I could go for that. I didn’t start college until September, might as well take a vacation in the country.

  I saw Mom off. We air kissed, and I drove out to Linda’s. Another perk of Mom taking off, I got to borrow her car.

  Linda bounced down the steps of their big ranch house with her pony tail swinging. She wore cut-offs and sneakers with a pink bikini.

  “Sweet convertible!”

  “My mom’s having a midlife crisis.” I turned my back and put the top up, not wanting Linda to see how much Jenny, as the maternal unit liked to be called, got under my skin. Best to maintain in the habit of keeping the car closed. If it got rained in or a cat had kittens, Jenny would have a fit. It hadn’t escaped my notice that she cared more about the car than she did about me.

  “Go up and change. I’ll meet you at the pool.”

  I’d used the guest room a few times. It looked out at the huge spread next door, a place that had once been a cattle ranch and was now another home for people with megabucks who moved to California from every place else.

  A hoodie hung over a chaise lounge by their bigger pool and a pair of huge sneakers rested on the cement. Looked like a boy had moved into the place.

  I did a double-take when I caught sight of horses, fine horses, in a new corral partly hidden by the sprawling mansion. Someone was making the place a ranch again.

  I pulled off my clothes without closing the curtains. What the hell if I gave some guy a thrill. I dug through my suitcase for my favorite bikini, a tiny adjustable one great for tanning. I slipped it on, adjusted its sea-green bits for minimum coverage and grabbed a towel.

  I ran down the stairs—right into Mr. Callahan.

  I couldn’t talk, just stood there stunned from the impact with solid muscle. How had I not noticed Mom’s husband number three was a solid-assed hunk?

  My face burned and I backed against the wall.

  “I’m so sorry.” He took a good look at me. A good, long look. “Sloane? It’s you, Sloane.” He shook his head, acting as surprised as I was at the two of us running into each other, literally, at my friend’s house.

  “What are you doing here?” I guessed that came out bratty, but he threw me totally off guard, and I was still in shock over how good his body felt, how buff and sexy. Damn.

  “We just moved in next door.”

  “We?” For a creepy moment, I thought he meant him and Jenny. But she’d be at the spa working on sweating off some pounds in preparation for catching her next serial husband.

  “Cory’s staying with me for the summer.”

  “Oh. Oh, great.” Not sure why that bothered me, but it did.

  If Jenny kept marrying, I’d be bumping into her exes and their offspring everywhere. Maybe I should follow Cory’s example and go abroad before college. As if I could afford that.

  “We like it here. Fresh air, open space, privacy, and room for horses.”

  “Yeah.” I didn’t know what to say to him. Hi, ex-step-dad, how are things?

  This was the closest I’d stood to husband number three. If he leaned forward, I’d feel his breath on the top of my head. The man stood at least 6 feet tall.

  The wall felt cool against my butt. I suspected Jenny still hoped to hit it big in the marriage lottery. We were never comfortable financially, but she always wrangled ways to get me into the best schools, no doubt to enlarge her potential husband pool at the highest income brackets.

  I caught sight of the bulge in Mr. Callahan’s jeans just as I realized I was furious with Jenny. I glanced up and met his eyes. His were doing a slow burn and had those sexy cowboy crinkles from squinting into he sun. The man was loaded, but he didn’t spend his life behind a desk.

  “Good to see you again, Sloane. Great people here. They’re letting us use the shower while the contractors have the water off. Sorry for bumping into you. I’ll have to be more careful. Or not.” He winked and rushed up the stairs.

  What the hell.

  Either I was crazy, or Jenny’s ex-husband number three, my most recent former step-dad, just flirted with me.

  At the landing, I stared out the window at Mr. Callahan’s house. That was some pricey real estate. Looked like Jenny finally won the marriage lottery. But somehow it all fell apart. I ran my finger through the window sill dust. I felt sad for her.

>   She didn’t tell me why they divorced, and I didn’t ask. Maybe I should have.

  I bounded down the stairs, hopped across the hot pavement, and jumped in the pool, making a huge splash. The water felt great and concealed that I messed up my mascara.

  I paddled to the edge and splashed Linda.

  “You brat! I ought to duck you.”

  “I’d like to see you try.”

  She jumped in, her bountiful figure flashing in the sun.

  Linda ducked me, and we wrestled. I felt juvenile, but I didn’t care. It felt good to giggle and fake fight, drop all the confused feelings about Mr. Callahan and Jenny. A cold lump settled in the pit of my stomach at the thought of spending a month next door to his rock-hard body and appreciative eyes. Damn on toast.

  I glanced up at the house. Someone stood in the shadows on the second-floor landing. Sun glinted in his hair and outlined his broad shoulders and narrow hips. Mr. Callahan. Watching me.

  Get Ranch Dad Next Door

  Preview: Towed

  “I enjoyed this sweet, steamy, short novella. [...] Themes of stalkerish, first time, nerdy-shy-heroine, may-dec, and alpha hero.” — Kindle Junkies

  A large man approached, silhouetted against a tow truck. Relief rushed through me. I was saved. There were still knights.

  He angled himself toward his headlights when he reached my window so I could get a good look.

  Oh. What a man. A white T-shirt strained over his wide chest and rippling torso. He had the classic V-shape so many guys worked at the gym for. His worn jeans gripped his hard, narrow hips, riding low.

  This is a complete standalone, no cliffhanger.

  It contains blunt adult words, a hard, unprotected first time for the virgin curvy heroine, alpha dominance and insta love impregnation. Adventurous readers, come and get towed!