Stolen Virgin Read online

Page 4

“I’m your master, Sy. I’m going to let you worship me. I want that hot mouth of yours on my cock sucking me like your life depends on it.” I spoke low and fierce.

  I wrapped my fist in her silky hair, got her lips on the tip of my cock.

  “Kiss me.”

  I had to use all my self-control not to come as she kissed my cock.

  “Open your mouth and suck me right.” I controlled her head with her hair, taught her to blow me just the way I liked it.

  “Yes, suck me good. Learn your place.” My voice got deep and husky with pleasure. Dream come true, Sy sucking my cock.

  With her skull in both hands, I pushed deeper, made her take me in her throat.

  Every stroke I drove deeper, made her gag and choke, made her take it all. So delicious, her throat wet and tight, her face serving as a pussy. Fucking beautiful with her lips stretched around my root, my pubes against her face. Damn.

  I held my bride’s head in sword-swallowing position and did some squats, pumping all the way down that pale, supple throat. Nothing like a good skull fuck to train her right. She lost her chance at the women’s-erotica version of our first night. She was going to get it my way. Her eyes rolled. Her face turned color. I eased back, let her gasp a breath. Plugged her all the way. Again, and again, controlling her breath, her life.

  “Lick me.” I pulled out, dangled it against her lips.

  She licked up and down my shaft. Her half-closed eyes and soft mouth showed her pleasure. I smelled her heat. She was made for this.

  “Suck me, suck me to show me how much you want my cock.”

  Sy Thompson sucked me good. She wanted me bad, and I was going to give her bad.

  I pulled out of her mouth and kissed her. She tensed, then kissed me back.

  She was right where she belonged. I had patience. I’d teach her place to her, as long as it took.

  I smiled at her.

  “Good girl. You sucked me real good, Sy. Say thank you.”

  “Thank you, Callum.”

  I reached down and slipped my fingers along her pussy lips. She was swollen and drenched.

  “I have some business to attend to. Then I want to stretch that tight pussy for you. You want me to do that, Sy. Want me to fuck you?” The women in the books like men to talk dirty to them. Real dirty. Sy didn’t act like a lady, so no reason to watch my language.

  She stared at my boots.

  “Speak up. You don’t want me to take you home without fucking you, do you?”

  Her head snapped back and her eyes widened.

  “Are you going to be good and wait for me to come back and fuck you, or do you want me to take you home now?”

  She stared at me like she no longer understood English.

  “I—” she licked her lips. “I want you to fuck me now. Please, Master.”

  I rocked back on my boots. Her big eyes begged me. She rose to her feet, slipped off her shoes.

  She reached for my cock and led me to the bed. Sy sat right on the edge and folded back, opening her legs and reaching for me with both arms.

  The phone could wait. No one would be looking for her yet.

  She’d gone bright pink and puffy between the legs. Her color showed through her fine pelt. Her sex flush went from her cheeks to her breasts.

  I got between her legs and slid my cock head up and down her slippery folds.

  “Is this what you want, my cock in here?”

  “Yes, please, Master.”

  She caught on fast. Helped make up for the disappointments. My cock was right there, eager to fill her.

  “Callum, go slow, please. You’re real big.” She stared down at the place our bodies were about to join, eyes wide.

  Bullshit. Her alpha heroes didn’t take a girl slow.

  “No, Sy. You’re mine now. I’m not taking you slow. You might control things up on the hill, but you don’t control me. I’ve been wanting this a long time. I’m going to hold you down and ram my cock deep as it will go. Hold on tight, love, this is going to be a hard ride.”

  She sighed and held on.

  I stabbed her, slamming my cock where it needed to go, claiming what’s mine.

  She yelled and my dick jerked. So tight, tight and hot like slippery silk. Sweet as she could be, her soft, curvy body clinging to me, squeezing my cock, my shoulders, digging her heels into my ass. No question she wanted the hard fuck I needed to give her.

  I rode her with all my hunger, taking her, making Sy mine at last. She cried out, her cries coming faster, losing control, climbing as I mastered her pussy, making her entire body mine.

  I caressed and squeezed her breasts, making her writhe under me, getting rougher as she responded, milking her, becoming the alpha she needed to make her surrender. She grabbed the mattress above her head and held on as I rode her mean. I caught her wrists in one hand and pinned her to make her secure.

  I kissed her hard, bruising her lips, taking her mouth, tonguing her, thrilling to her full surrender, her passionate response. She met my tongue, bucked under me, danced with me, welcoming her master’s mouth and cock.

  My thumb sneaked to her clit and took charge of driving her the rest of the way over the edge. She responded like crazy, digging in with her heels, bucking her entire body.

  She went tight all over, arching against me, and surrendered. Her orgasm cries pealed through the basement like a banshee’s.

  I roared and flooded her, releasing my sperm deep inside her. I stayed right there, gathered her close with my arms and legs, kissing her all over her face.

  My heart soared, happy and complete in the act of creating the next generation of Blakes.

  “Oh. Oh, Callum.”

  “Beautiful, Sy. You make me so happy.”

  “I’m glad. That was amazing.” Her smile showed she meant it.

  “I love you, Sy. you have to stay right here with me.”

  “I don’t know if I can do that.” She bit her swollen lip.

  “Yes, you can do that. Remember what I told you about behaving. I want you. You’re my bride. You’re mine now and forever.”

  I stroked the welts on her ass. The raised tracks that crossed both cheeks felt hot. I soothed them with both hands.

  “Yes, Callum.” She snuggled into my chest. Her sounds were a music of contentment.

  We didn’t need to say anything for a long time, just stretched out comfortable on the bed, our bodies still connected with the head of my long cock inside her, my sperm doing its work.

  “You were my first, Callum.” She glanced at me out of the corner of her eye, gave a little smile that wrinkled her nose.

  “I’m glad about that, Sy. I expected you had lots of beaus before I got you alone.”

  “I never got excited with a man before. I never liked being pawed by wimps. You just, you just knew what to do.”

  I smiled. I’d studied on it good. I might tell my brothers to get themselves some dirty book for women. Five of those boys aren’t married yet. We’ve got a sacred obligation to add more Blakes to the world. There are loads of women aching for men with big cocks to put them in their place and get babies in their bellies.

  We get on it now, we can marry into the wealthiest families in the state before the year is out.

  I seen it coming. Not all women want billionaires. Some of them want to get as dirty as they can get. They want it raw and hard. They want a man good with his hands. You don’t get a body like those book covers sitting behind a desk or living the high life like a rich slime sac.

  Amazed me, I got my prize. I got Sy’s treasure.

  “You really were a virgin?”

  “I really was.”

  I whistled. My bride saved herself for me. If anyone told me there was a 19 year-old virgin in this state, I would not have believed it. I sure never encountered one before, or even heard tell of it, and I had eleven brothers to keep me in the loop on pussy for miles. But I guessed there had to be a lot of legal-age virgins for all those dominant billionaires who liked to pop
a cherry as soon as they meet one.

  Funny thing, though, I talked to Glad, the hooker works out of the Wily Hen up at the state line. She says all the CEOs and rich men she’s done don’t have an alpha bone in their body when they get in the bedroom. She laughed herself silly at the idea of a dominant billionaire. She said one billionaire’s name as an example of a total bottom, and I almost peed myself.

  Maybe women will get wind of what rich scum really want in bed—I wish I could get the things she told me out of my mind, I surely do—and they’ll be happy to find themselves white trash men who will do them they way they need to get done.

  I ought to go into business. Match up hungry women with real studs, starting with my brothers. Be a lot more smiling women, and I’ll spend all the money on my bride and our soon to be growing family.

  Resting my hand on Sy’s belly, I got comfortable, imagining all the babies we were going to make.

  Not much in life a man can be sure about. I know one thing, though: No daughter of mine was ever going to post a picture—or anything else—on Facebook.


  I tip-toed into the front room while Callum dozed. Silent as I could be, I retrieved my phone from his jacket. He was fast, but I knew he took it. At the time, I was busy reacting to the nerve of him being so forceful about wanting me to come for a visit. I was distracted, too, by creaming my panties over his scent, his muscles and his take-charge manliness. While I had the chance, I couldn’t resist getting my hands on my phone for a minute.

  Without moving, I listened. His breathing came deep and even.

  Yes, I had a signal. I wanted to check one detail about his mammoth equipment. I did a quick search: Only a tiny percentage of all men have a cock that big. I figured, but it was good to know. I sent a quick text to my girlfriend Trish that I was spending the weekend with her so she’d cover for me, and a text to Mom to keep Dad from calling in the National Guard or something else humiliating, and I was all set. I slipped my phone back in his pocket. No way I wanted to get caught having it without permission.

  Callum might be unfinished, hell, he might be pure white trash, but I could search my whole life to find a man with that much cock who knew how to use it, a man who took a firm hand with me and made me cream.

  My parents were going to shit. I wasn’t going to give them one or two white trash grand-babies, I was going to give them a passel of them, or a litter, or whatever the phrase was around here. I didn’t know Callum Blake well, but just a glance at that instinct-driven face told me family planning wasn’t a concept he’d care to discuss.

  I tiptoed back to my big, dangerous man and slipped into bed with him where I belonged. It felt great to belong somewhere. I always felt like a mistake, like the hospital must have sent me home with the wrong parents. Now that crazy life of never fitting, never feeling loved, was over. My man’s strength, possessiveness and passion made me quiver and feel wanted. It was like he knew everything I needed and came into my life to give it to me. I snuggled into Callum’s side, inhaling his man musk.

  Dad was going to regret taking away my car. I smiled against Master’s warm ribs.

  Callum’s snake stirred on his thigh, nudging me with its drooling head. Hell yes, I was going to stay and be his bride.

  White Trash 2

  Bride Training

  by Viv Phoenix


  I caught Sy around her waist as she headed out to the porch to fiddle around with my laptop again. The girl was forever looking for something to do other than the chores that needed doing. The sweet soft feel of her distracted the hell out of me. I pulled her close and inhaled the scent from the top of her head.

  “Callum, what are you doing, you big bruiser?” She had laughter in her eyes and her full lips curved like a cupid’s. I saw cupids painted on the ceiling of a big church Pa took me to before he died.

  “I’m catching my woman.” I gave her a love bite on her neck and she squealed. Her eyes sparkled. She slid her hands down my back real low and squeezed.

  I was beginning to trust her. Those sweet eyes were clearer than my favorite swimming hole. A man couldn’t be too careful with a captured bride, though. I cut the Internet connection until I could be sure of her. She still wanted to be playing computer games instead of keeping house. It was almost lunch time and she hadn’t made the bed or started fixing anything for me to eat. We Blakes lived a simple life, but we kept up the house and got things done.

  I kissed her. She tasted like a peach. Her lips made me think of her secret places.

  “You need to understand how it’s going to be from here on out, Sy. Your job is to please me. God made woman from Adam’s rib to be at his side. I’m not going to squash you down, leastwise, not too much. You have to obey, and everything will be alright.”

  She let go of me and wrinkled her nose. That brought back a bad memory, and I shooed it away.

  “I don’t think the Bible’s meant to be taken so literally.” She reached out and traced one of my ribs, giving me chills.

  “It’s not your place to say how to take the Bible.”

  She raised her eyebrows, looked at me with her big, sort of sad eyes, and drove whatever I was thinking right out of my mind.

  “I’ve been reading your Bible. I memorized this part. Your stature is like that of the palm, and your breasts like clusters of fruit. I said, ‘I will climb the palm tree; I will take hold of its fruit.’” She made the Song of Solomon sound sexier than ever.

  No wonder women got blamed for so much. How was a man supposed to think with that kind of beauty and devilment right in front of him?

  I pressed my hand against hers to stop her giving me shivers. I didn’t want her to stop touching me, didn’t want to discourage her, but I could not think with her doing that. Snake already rose so much he crowded my pants. One little finger on me and she takes half he blood out of my brain. It was like living with a witch. If the good Lord wanted to test me, He sure found the way. Well, actually I found Sy. Took her right off the road. My cock hardened up more at the memory of her in those short, short fringed shorts. She bounced down the highway with her bottom cheeks peeking at me. No way I was going to pass by without taking her home. Now she had to stay. And to be with me, she had to learn her place.

  “You’re going to be Mrs. Callum Blake, and to be the woman of this house, you have to be a good woman the way my mama was a good woman.”

  She stuck her lip out.

  I sighed. Her hand felt so hot against my side, and her breasts moved like the waves in the ocean as she breathed. They never held still. I looked at her, and I saw that sweet cushion-y flesh squeezing out between my fingers when I popped her. Damn, oh, damn. I reached for the wall to steady myself.

  “You’re going to obey me from now on. If I have to discipline you the way I did when you tried to climb out the bathroom window, I will do it.”

  “Don’t tell me. ‘It hurts you more than it hurts me.’”

  “Don’t sass me now. We’re going to have a long life together, Sy. This is not how it’s going to start out. You get to choose how it’s going to go. Love and harmony, or you get my hard side. I can be hard as nails, same as my papa was when he had to be. All Blake men have that in us, a mean streak you don’t want to cross.”

  A shadow crossed her face. She bit her lip and nodded, like she was thinking something real sad.

  “Good girl. Be good. That’s all I’m asking.”

  “Yes, Callum.”

  I raised her chin and ran my thumb over her lower lip. She shook. I looked down her blouse at her deep creamy cleavage. What the hell was I meaning to say?

  I crushed her to me. Damn it. I might be going to spend the rest of my life losing my thoughts every time I looked at this woman.

  I closed my eyes and kissed her.

  Better. Her lips opened to me. When she stayed quiet, when her heart beat with mine, I had all I could ever want in this world.

  I’d made my plan, and I got her here. Now Sy
Thompson was all mine.

  I slung her over my shoulder and headed to the bedroom. She didn’t make a peep.

  “Get on your knees, beautiful. I have a lesson for you on your place here.”

  “Yes, Callum.” She grinned real big. “Master.”

  I wrapped my hands in her long, dark, silky hair and gave it a good tug at the nape of her neck. I pulled hard enough to get her attention. Her eyes widened and she stopped sassing me with her face.

  “That’s better, Sy. You want to be respectful when I’m training you. This is for your own good.” I sat down to keep from teetering.

  She squeezed her eyes shut and pushed her lips together.

  I took her face in both my hands, ran my thumbs from the center of her lips to the corners. A jolt lit through her, throwing her head back and taking that tight look off her face.

  “Callum.” Her voice sounded like a prayer. Some night I ought to make her read my favorite parts of the Song of Solomon out loud.

  Once her body started talking to me, she didn’t have to fight to keep from thinking and saying bad things. I’d make this easy on her, not that I’d mind punishing her if I had to do it. I liked hearing her cry out, and I liked watching her gorgeous round ass turn red. She still had a couple stripes from when I had to use my belt on her the first day.

  “I’ve got something for you, my bride.”

  I reached into my overalls and pulled out Snake. People all over the hollow have lined up to see him. I kept my feet wide apart. I was so hard, I couldn’t think.

  She gasped. Looked like it still shocked her how big I am.

  I rubbed the head of my cock on her lips, making them shine with my cock juice.

  “Get ready to open up for me, love.” I made my voice real low like her favorite actor’s. I’d studied on him a lot before I got my chance to take her. “You need to learn to suck me good. You’re going to be heavy with my baby. My older brothers say it gets uncomfortable for a woman to fulfill her marital duties then. So you need to get real good with your mouth right now to keep me satisfied. Safer for the baby, too. You know how rough I like to ride.”